Throughout history, the world has seen the birth of many new religions and the worship of strange, beautiful and mysterious deities. Some of these gods (such as Zeus, Athena, Odin, Loki, Jupiter, Venus, etc) have still stayed with us in these modern times. However, there are thousands of lesser known deities from world mythology who are only really known to scholars.
There is a list of lesser known deities starting with the letter A:
1. Acrasia – the Greek personification of intemperance.
2. Ada-Ea - the Mesopotamian ferryman in the Babylonian underworld.
3. Adda-Nari – the Egyptian goddess of religion and truth.
4. Adhimukticarya – a Buddhist goddess and one of the 12 bhumis.
5. Afi – a storm god from the Caucasus.
6. Afrikete – an African sea goddess of the Fon people who was regarded as a trickster and a gossip.
7. Agas Xenas Xena – the deity of the evening star according to the Chinook of North America.
8. Agwatana – the god of the sun and the Nigerian supreme deity.
9. Aha – a river god of the Yakut people of Siberia.
10. Ah Peku – a Mayan thunder god.
11. Ah Uuc Ticab – a Mayan fertility god.
12. Ahi – the Egyptian goddess of the dawn.
13. Ai Apaec – the supreme god of the Mochica tribe in Central America.
14. Aion – the Greek male personification of time.
15. Akakanet – a vegetation god of the Araucanian tribe in South America. He is said to live in the Pleiades and provides flowers and fruit for the tribe.
16. Akano Jewel – a Japanese god of famine.
17. Ake – a Polynesian water god.
18. Akkruva –a fish-goddess in Finland.
19. Akongo – a creator god of the Ngombe people in Africa, who was said to have found the people so noisy that he left to live in the sky.
20. Akshobhya – one of the five Buddhist Dhyanibuddhas and one of the five Dhyanibodhisattvas.
21. Akua – a creator god of Hawaii.
22. Ala – a goddess of the earth and fertility of the Ibo people in Africa.
23. Alako – the god of the gypsies, according to Norwegian mythology. After teaching the gypsies his secret lore, he returned home in the heavens.
24. Alannus – a Celtic messenger god in Gaul who was worshipped by the Romans as well.
25. Alatanagana – the creator god of the Kono people in Africa.
26. Albunea – a Roman water nymph that had the gift of prophecy. Some of her revelations were recorded in the Sibylline Books.
27. Alcyone – a daughter of the Greek Titan Atlas, she was the leader of the Pleiades and the mother of Aethusa by Poseidon.
28. Algea – the Greek female personification of pain. She was an attendant of the goddess of strife, Eris.
29. Alilat – an ancient Arabian mother-goddess, she was worshipped by the Nabataeans in the form of a four-sided stone idol.
30. Allat – a Babylonian underworld goddess.
31. Almaqah – an Arabian sky god of the Saba tribe.
32. Alo’alo – a weather god in Tonga.
33. Alpan – an underworld deity of the Etruscans in ancient Italy.
34. Alrune-wife – a household goddess from Germany.
35. Aluberi – a distant and supreme god of the Arawak American Indians.
36. Ama – from ancient Mesopotamia, a Sumerian virgin mother-goddess.
37. Ama-no-ho – a divine messenger god in Japanese mythology.
38. Amaethon – a Welsh god of agriculture and the son of Beli and Don.
39. Amana – a creator goddess of the Calina tribe in South America. She lived in the Milky Way and was attended to by sea creatures.
40. Amarok – an Inuit deity in the form of a wolf-like monster.
41. Ar-tojon – a supreme god of the Yakut people in Siberia.
42. Aralo –a Georgian agricultural god.
43. Aramati – the Hindu female personification of devotion.
44. Aranyani – a woodland goddess in Hindu belief.
45. Aranzakh – a river god and the personification of the river Tigris in ancient Persian belief.
46. Areop-Enap – a creator deity in Nauru Island who made men from stones and had them support the sky.
47. Argimpasa – the Scythian goddess of love.
48. Asto-vidhotu –a demon in ancient Persia who was then later promoted to a god of death.
49. Astrild – a Norse god of love.
50. Azacca – an agricultural deity in Haiti.
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